What can an Occupational Therapist do for you?

An OT can assist a person to become independent by providing equipment or adaptations to the home. They can also teach a person to complete an activity using a different method to gain the same result.
Equipment is endless. There are a lot of items on the market that can assist in all sorts of ways. People often purchase items without advice and find they are not as useful as expected. An OT can provide advice on what is best. Equipment ranges from small aids to assist with eating and kitchen tasks to bigger equipment to assist with bathing and toileting. For people who are completely immobile there are hoists, slings and other transfer equipment. There is also specialist seating that requires an OT to assess for postural support and pressure care.
Adaptations can be often be done to enable a person to have access to all areas of their home. An OT can advise on what adaptations are suitable to meet the person’s needs. They will often work with technicians and surveyors and contractors to ensure the work is going to meet the need.
OT’s can work with specific skills to try and improve a person’s ability to carry out a task. Some of these are:
• handwriting
• washing and dressing
• getting in and out of chairs, cars, baths, showers
• cognitive skills
• hand-eye coordination
• fine & gross motor skills
• balance & coordination
• social skills
• sensory processing & integration
• attention
• bilateral integration
• developmental delays
• problems with feeding
• muscle weakness
• perceptual skills
• interpersonal skill development